Saturday, 16 January 2010

New Year Weight Loss Tips

If we use a couple of books during the Christmas season or diverted from your diet, then again form is probably one of your New Years resolutions. However, the transfer of excess weight should not feel as a constant struggle.

You too can learn to lose weight for Christmas in order to stay healthy and in proper control of weight loss every season.

Here you can have a number of councils in New Year's weight loss to prepare effectively used for all occasions, also in anticipation of the next party at the new year!

New Year Weight Loss

1.Eat small regular meals - remember to eat 3 meals a day and share your calories per day more than 5 small meals. Dividing each meal into 300 segments of calories, you can not only ensures that you stay full more and no taste, but you can ensure that your metabolism stays constant and does not suffer disadvantages of reducing sugars.

Please note: Be sure to follow a balanced diet of 40% carbohydrate, 30% protein and 30% fat.

2.Mix your workout - the key to successful weight loss is to ensure that every aspect of your body receives a complete workout. By incorporating strength training into your workout routine during the week, for example, is you can burn more fat that you develop more muscles.

Best program to do this:

- Strength Training - 45 minutes, 3 times a week
- Cardio - 30 minutes, 2 times per week, or aerobic - 30 minutes, 2 times per week

Sure to go every 2 weeks between cardio and aerobics.

3.Drink plenty of fluids - the body is made of 70% water exists, it is important that you dehydrated. Simply by drinking 6-8 glasses of water daily to prevent accumulation of water - which can cause weight in water ----- and verify work your body.

Please note: coffee, tea, fruit juices ... Contain all the calories. For this reason it is important that you the extra calories in your daily calories.

4.Eat if you are hungry - it's easier said than done. Often, what we like the feeling of hunger is our body how to say that we are thirsty. To avoid eating too much to try to run this test. The next time you feel hunger, you drink half a glass of water and wait 15 minutes. If you feel after these 15 minutes, still hungry, then only eat a piece of fruit or a biscuit. Otherwise, continue to drink until it was time for the next meal.

5.Halve portions of food - if we are at home, then it is much easier to control portions of the meals, but if you go in a restaurant is a completely different story. It 'impossible to predict how your meal or even as it was cooked.

This allows you to maintain control and still enjoy a meal with friends and family when you place your request for the waiter, who halve the portions meal. This can feel like a waste of money, but halved in the true sense of the word to your meal, you can ensure that you are not tempted to eat the meal. She also asked half of the components, you can enjoy dessert without a guilty conscience.

Do not waste your New Year's weight can be easier than you think. Easy to integrate one of the points above in your weight loss management plan and is easy to lose excess weight and continue to use in order to lose!

To take control of your weight loss New Year today and make the new year memorable.


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